Using the environment
Binding functions have access to the environment where the bound type is retrieved to be able to create it accordingly.
This environment is represented as a context variable.
The context is an object that is explicitly defined by the programmer for this retrieval or the receiving object when none is explicitly defined.
There are two very important differences between a tag and a context:
The tag instance identifies the binding but can not be used in the binding function.
The context type identifies the binding and it’s instance can be used in the binding function.
There are also two very important differences between a factory argument and a context:
The context is defined before retrieving the binding function while the factory argument is the last known variable.
A context is usually global to an entire class while a factory argument is local to a retrieval.
When in doubt, use a factory with an argument instead of a provider with a context. |
val di = DI {
bind<Writer> { contexted<Request>.provider { context.response.writer } } (1)
1 | note that context is already of type Request . |
Kodein-DI provides only 1 scope by default, but:
Scopes are derived from a context variable.
They allow a singleton or multiton objects to exist multiple times in different contexts.
They are of type Scope<C>
where C
is the context type.
Think, for example, of a session object inside a web server.
We can say that there can be only one user per session, and therefore define a User
singleton scoped in a session.
Therefore, the provided function will be called once per session.
val di = DI {
bind<User> { scoped(SessionScope).singleton { UserData(session.userId) } } (1)
1 | note that SessionScope does not really exist, it is an example. |
In this example, SessionScope
is of type Scope<Session>
, so to access this binding, the user will either have retrieve it inside the session object or explicitly define a Session
val user by di.on(session).instance()
Please read the Scope creation section if you want to create your own scopes. |
Scope closeable
By default, a Singleton or a Multiton value will never expire.
However, the purpose of a Scope is to handle the lifecycle of a long lived value.
Therefore, it is possible for a scoped Singleton or Multiton value to expire (most of the time because the scope itself expires).
For example, in android’s ActivityRetainedScope
, scoped values will only live the duration of the activity.
If a value implements AutoCloseable
, it’s close
function will be called when the value is removed from the scope (or when the scope itself expires).
JVM references in scopes
Yes, you can…
val di = DI {
bind<User> {
scoped(requestScope).singleton(ref = weakReference) {
} (1)
Weak Context Scope
Kodein-DI provides the WeakContextScope
This is a particular scope, as the context it holds on are weak references.
WeakContextScope is NOT compatible with AutoCloseable .
You can use this scope when it makes sense to have a scope on a context that is held by the system for the duration of its life cycle.
val di = DI {
bind<Controller> { scoped(WeakContextScope.of<Activity>()).singleton { ControllerImpl(context) } } (1)
1 | context is of type Activity because we are using the WeakContextScope.of<Activity>() . |
will always return the same scope, which you should never clean!
If you need a compartmentalized scope which you can clean, you can create a new WeakContextScope
val activityScope = WeakContextScope<Activity>()
Context translators
Let’s get back to the web server example.
There is one session per user, so we have bound a User
singleton inside a Session
As each Request
is associated with a Session
, you can register a context translator that will make any binding that needs a Session
context work with a Request
val di = DI {
bind<User> { scoped(SessionScope).singleton { UserData(session.userId) } }
registerContextTranslator { r: Request -> r.session }
This allows you to retrieve a User
When there is a global
context:Example: retrieving with a global contextclass MyController(override val di: DI, request: Request): DIAware { override val diContext = kcontext(request) val user: User by instance() }
When the retrieval happens on a
itself:Example: retriving with a global contextclass MySpecialRequest(override val di: DI): Request(), DIAware { val user: User by instance() }
You can access the container’s bindings within a context translator: Example:
Context finder
A context finder is a similar to context translator, except that it gets the context from a global context.
For example, if you are in a thread-based server where each request is assigned a thread (are people still doing those?!?), you could get the session from a global:
val di = DI {
bind<User> { scoped(SessionScope).singleton { UserData(session.userId) } }
registerContextFinder { ThreadLocalSession.get() }
This allows to access a User
object without specifying a context.
You can access the container’s bindings within a context finder: Example:
Having an other type of context declared will not block from using a context finder. |
Scope creation
Scoped singletons/multitons are bound to a context and live while that context exists.
To define a scope that can contain scoped singletons or multitons, you must define an object that implements the Scope
This object will be responsible for providing a ScopeRegistry
according to a context.
It should always return the same ScopeRegistry
when given the same context object.
A standard way of doing so is to use the userData
property of the context, if it has one, or else to use a WeakHashMap<C, ScopeRegistry>
object SessionScope : Scope<Session> { (1)
override fun getRegistry(context: Session): ScopeRegistry =
context.userData as? ScopeRegistry
?: StandardScopeRegistry().also { context.userData = it } (2)
1 | The scope’s context type is Session . |
2 | Creates a ScopeRegistry and attach it to the Session if there is none. |
Scope providers should also provide standard context translators. In this example, we should provide, along with sessionScope a module providing the Request to Session context translator.
Scope registry
The ScopeRegistry
is responsible for holding value instances.
It is also responsible for calling the close
methods on object that are AutoCloseable
when they are removed from the registry.
To have your scope compatible with AutoCloseable values, make sure to clean the registry when the scope expires.
There are two standard implementations of ScopeRegistry
This is a particular ScopeRegistry
implementation : it will only hold one item and replace the held item if the binding asks for an instance of another binding.
This means that a Multiton scoped with a Scope that uses a SingleItemScopeRegistry
will actually hold only one instance: the one corresponding to the last argument.
You should NOT use this registry unless you know exactly WHAT you are doing, and WHY you are doing it. |
You can define a scope to be defined inside another scope. This means that when the parent scope clears, so does all of its subscopes.
val requestScope = object : SubScope<Request, Session>(sessionScope) {
override fun getParentContext(context: Request) = context.session
In this simple example, when the session expires, then all of its associates request scoped values also expire.