Getting started

  1. Apply the Gradle plugin and activate the helper dependency:

    plugins {
        kotlin("multiplatform") version "2.0.21"
        id("") version "2.0.21-1.0.28" (1)
        id("org.kodein.mock.mockmp") version "2.0.0" (2)
    kotlin {
        // Your Koltin/Multiplatform configuration
    mockmp { (3)
        onTest {
            withHelper() // or withHelper(junit5)
    1 Apply the KSP plugin that corresponds to the Kotlin version you are using.
    2 Apply the MocKMP plugin.
    3 Apply MocKMP to your test source-sets (must be configured after declaring kotlin targets).
  2. Create a test class that declares injected mocks and fakes:

    class MyTest : TestsWithMocks() { (1)
        override fun setUpMocks() = mocker.injectMocks(this) (2)
        @Mock lateinit var view: View
        @Fake lateinit var model: Model
        val controller by withMocks { Controller(view = view, firstModel = model) }
        @Test fun controllerTest() {
            every { view.render(isAny()) } returns true
            verify { view.render(model) }
    1 The TestsWithMocks super class eases the use of MocKMP in your tests, but is not mandatory.
    2 This is mandatory and cannot be generated. You need to build your project at least once for your IDE to see the injectMocks function.
    Every property annotated by @Mock, annotated by @Fake or delegated to withMocks will be reset fresh between each test.