Canard uses the new Gradle native dependency model. Thus, we highly recommend using Gradle 6 or higher. |
Canard supports the following targets: jvm, iosArm32, iosArm64, iosX64, JS, tvosarm64, tvosx64, watchosarm32, watchosarm64, watchosx86, linuxArm32Hfp, linuxMips32, linuxMipsel32, linuxX64, macosX64, mingwX64, wasmJs. |
Since Kotlin 1.8, legacy backend has been deprecated, thus starting from 0.17.0, Canard is only available for JS-IR. |
In your build.gradle.kts
file, add the Maven Central repository:
repositories {
Then add the dependency:
kotlin {
sourceSets {
commonMain {
dependencies {
If you are NOT using Gradle 6+, you should declare the use of the Gradle Metadata experimental feature settings.gradle.kts
enableFeaturePreview("GRADLE_METADATA") |